Mental Math Quiz 2023

We conduct a Mental Math Quiz online every year to assess the level of mental math ability of our students in Abacus and Vedic Math. To help students prepare for this competition, we provide them with a daily online practice link to sharpen their skills.
The dress code for this event was white, which was chosen to create a distraction-free environment that allowed students to focus on their practice. We believe that keeping the dress code simple and uniform, helps students concentrate better without worrying about their attire. The white dress code also adds a sense of unity and collaboration among the participants, creating an atmosphere of equality and fairness. We aim to continue implementing such thoughtful measures to create a conducive environment for learning and growth.
Students have enjoyed the challenges and participated with enthusiasm, putting in extra effort to learn and improve. The Mental Math Quiz is an exciting event that encourages students to push their boundaries and achieve excellence in their mental math abilities. We aim to provide even more resources and opportunities for students to practice and enhance their mental math skills in the future.