An abacus is a manual calculating device that has beads that slide along rods to represent numbers. It is one of the oldest mathematical devices in the world. The abacus is a very useful tool for performing arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is also used to teach children how to count and perform basic mathematical operations.
Most children find numbers and math very difficult! Abacus learning is one of the best ways to improve arithmetic skills and number fluency. Abacus math also helps develop an interest and passion in math for many students as their confidence and understanding grows from an early age. After all, most students prefer the subjects they perform well in!
An Abacus course is designed to teach children how to use the abacus effectively. The course usually involves learning the basic principles of abacus operations, including the meaning of each bead, how to move the beads to perform calculations, and how to visualize numbers mentally. The course also helps students improve their mental arithmetic skills, concentration, memory, and speed. They no longer require pen and paper to calculate numbers. Your child will be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide mentally within seconds.
By the end of the course, students should be able to perform complex calculations accurately and efficiently using an abacus or mentally. Abacus courses can be taken in-person or online.
Abacus Programme Structure
Total 8 levels (Each Level-3 Months)
Course content: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division on Book Exercise, Listening Activities, Concentration Games, Speed Writing, Online Lis available for Assessments. To know more…. Enquire Now +91 – 8368907501
Ideal Age Group: 5-12 years old.
Maximum Age : 13 years of age. After that age, Vedic Maths learning is more suitable. To know more…. Enquire Now +91 – 8368907501
Sessions: 8 Sessions in a Month (Two Days Class in Week)
Homework: 20 Minutes Daily Practice

Advantages of Learning Abacus
- Fast Calculations
- Imagination & Visualization
- Improve Listening Skills
- Improves Memory Power
- Improve Concentration
- Stress Buster
- Mental Math and Speed Writing
- Remove Math Phobia
- Accelerates both the left and right brain
- Self Confidence